
No Internet = No Fun

Last night our AT&T Uverse stopped working...so we finally got someone out here to see what the deal is...and turns out another technician disconnected ours yesterday while working on another apartment...annoying!  But, we finally have it up and running again!  So, no real blog post today.  I'll just share a pic of our yummy cupcakes we had last night.  We went to my parent's house in Plano, TX for a little party for Maria.  She is a foreign exchange student from Madrid, Spain.  She has been living with my family for the last year, and we now love her dearly.  Her parents flew in for the week to surprise her, so we had a fun party with friends and family last night to welcome them.  We had a great time, and are already getting sad for Maria to leave in a few months.  This has been such a neat experience for my family, and she is now a part of our family :)  

Yum!  Gigi's are the best!  See you tomorrow friends :)


  1. oh Gigi's. my favorite! :)

  2. those look absolutely delicious!

    - l

  3. wow - those look absolutely amazing. And how annoying about your internet!

  4. Ummm, I would recognize those cupcakes anywhere! The new one in Plano is right near my work...that is VERY dangerous during my lunch break! :)

  5. It definitely *looks* like you're having a blast, even without internet (c: Those look devastatingly delish...as in they are making me *NEED* cupcakes (c:


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